July 31, 2006

My Bridal Party

Every few years on our wedding anniversary, I start to wonder what we could have bought with all that money we spent on a Cinderella wedding. Maybe we would have bought a townhouse sooner, or paid off a car, or a student loan. Why, oh why, did we have a formal wedding? It didn't prove that we loved each other more by getting dressed up and inviting our friends and family for chicken, drinks and dancing. But then I look at these pictures and I realize why we did it. Because we wanted to share our once in a lifetime day with the people we care about. We wanted to create memroes that would last the rest of our lives. And you know what? In the end, after all the hindsight, I would do it all over again.

This entire book may be seen at http://lazarstudiowerx.com/IdeaGallery/index.php.

1 comment:

Libby Pritchett said...

Aww! That's sweet, Jen! I didn't have the big Cinderella wedding, and I've never really regretted it... except when I see beautiful pics like yours! So pretty!