January 3, 2009

Happy New Year from Punxsutawney!

I am still in the backwoods of Pennsylvania - and still having a relaxing time. Almost comatose at this point, as a matter of fact. I have never gone to Wal-Mart so many times in a week in my life - but it is the only place to shop. On the right is proof that Punxsy people are just weird - that is Louise.

Actually, something "exciting" has happened just a few hundred yards from my brother's barn. A mystery - human skeletal remains were found while the neighbors were diging a well for their new house. Here is the article: Indiana Gazette. They think it may be a woman who is missing from a nearby town , who was featured on America's Most Wanted recently. Find Joey
I'll update when I know something more for the curious out there.


Anonymous said...

Oooh, that's kinda of spooky. But hopefully they'll be able to identify the remains so some poor family can have some closure.

On a totally different note . . . that's a totally cute photo of you and Louise. Hope you are having a wonderful time, you know . . . other than the skeleton thingie.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are enjoying yourself. So weird about the skeleton. I love AMW.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you are enjoying yourself. So weird about the skeleton. I love AMW.

Anonymous said...

wow. I'm not sure which story is crazier, that about finding the skeletal remains or you making several trips to Wal-Mart!

Seriously, I hope they can identify the person for her family's sake. That is very sad.

Happy new year! We miss you!

Lorna Arlett said...

Hi Jen,
Happy new year, when are you coming?

Cassandra said...

Wow! I'll check back and see if you post an update!

Cheryl said...

Yikes! That is scary stuff! Any updates?

Cheri Pryor said...

What? No pictures of your own of the skads of reporters? What kind of scrapper are you?!! lol! Seriously...a little creepy and sad and I hope they figure out who it is. *sigh*