March 6, 2009

Snow Days

Last Monday and Tuesday were the best kind of day when you are a ten year old boy. Snow Days. Translated to mean no school.

If these red cheeks could tell a story, they would tell of fast sled rides down the hill at the school with neighborhood friends. Long slow walks back up the hill, slipping and falling to start all over again. Soaking wet socks and numb fingers. Hot chocolate and a snow covered dog. A bright yellow tube and a long fast orange toboggan. Five inches of pure white powdery fun.

Come to think of it, I think these sweet red cheeks tell the story quite well.

And a quick yummy snack even a ten year old can make.

1. Place pretzel pieces on a baking sheet.
2. Top with one Rollo candy.
3. Place in a warm (250 degrees) oven to just let the Rollo candy melt on top of the pretzel.
4. Remove from oven and place another pretzel on top.
5. Let cool and harden.
6. Eat (and share with Mom)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really can't see why I would waste a Rolo on a pretzel but if you say so.... I LOVE Rolos.

Sounds like a fun time. :)